Tag: The National Network Opposing the Militarization of Youth
Veterans Push Back Against Military Recruitment in Schools
The branches of the U.S. military have long seen high schools as optimal recruiting grounds. Some veterans are beginning to fight the propaganda and tell students the truth about military service. April 3, 2023 / Ruben Abrahams Brosbe / Yes! Magazine - March 20 marked the 20th anniversary of the United States’ invasion of Iraq. The war took hundreds of thousands of Iraqi lives, with some ...
TagsMiles Megaciph | Joy Damiani | Rick Jahnkow | Impact Of Militarism | Susan Cushman | Miles Megaciph | World Can’t Wait | The National Network Opposing the Militarization of Youth | Military Recruitment Issues | Sarah Gil | Joy Damiani | Seth Kershner | Rick Jahnkow | We Are Not Your Soldiers | JROTC textbooks | Forced Placement into JROTC
How Counter-Recruiters Take on the U.S. Military
Military recruiters count on economic hardship to lure young people of color to sign up. Counter-recruiters are working hard to thwart their efforts. Sep 6, 2022 / Aina Marzia / YES! Media - Year ...
Peace Churches in the Orbit of Youth Demilitarization Activism
Gary Ghirardi / NNOMY – In my years working as a communications consultant to counter-recruitment organizations, now approaching twenty years for the summer of 2021, I have experienced personally ...
Bringing Truth to the Youth: The Counter-Recruitment Movement, Then and Now
Emily Yates | Originally published in Truthout - July 16, 2016 "Back when we started, recruiters were just blatantly lying to the kids," said Susan Quinlan, the co-founder and volunteer coordinator ...
TagsJune Brumer | The National Network Opposing the Militarization of Youth | Every Child Succeeds Act | Oakland Unified School District | BAY-Peace | Better Alternatives for Youth–Peace (BAY-Peace) | Susan Quinlan | Emily Yates | Chicago | Rick Jahnkow | Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery | STEM | No Child Left Behind Act of 2001 | ASVAB | Seth Kershner | JROTC | Project YANO | Hart Viges