Tag: Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery
Bringing Truth to the Youth: The Counter-Recruitment Movement, Then and Now
Emily Yates | Originally published in Truthout - July 16, 2016 "Back when we started, recruiters were just blatantly lying to the kids," said Susan Quinlan, the co-founder and volunteer coordinator of the peace and justice group, Better Alternatives for Youth–Peace (BAY-Peace). For 12 years, she's been bringing teams of youth into Oakland, California, schools to inform students about deceptive ...
TagsJune Brumer | The National Network Opposing the Militarization of Youth | Every Child Succeeds Act | Oakland Unified School District | BAY-Peace | Better Alternatives for Youth–Peace (BAY-Peace) | Susan Quinlan | Emily Yates | Chicago | Rick Jahnkow | Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery | STEM | No Child Left Behind Act of 2001 | ASVAB | Seth Kershner | JROTC | Project YANO | Hart Viges
A Military Whitewash Campaign
Pat Elder - The National Coalition to Protect Student Privacy - A bill that would have protected the privacy of Connecticut's school children was recently defeated by the Democratically-controlled ...
TagsState Representative Jack Hennessy | SB 423 Bill | National Coalition to Protect Student Privacy | Lt. Colonel Michael D. Coleman | Connecticut | Career Exploration Program | ASVAB-CEP | Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery | FERPA | Connecticut Coalition to Protect Students Privacy | asvab test | Pat Elder -
Linchpin of Pentagon’s School-based Recruitment: Student Testing Program (ASVAB) Rife with Errors and Contradictions
Pat Elder - Student Privacy Compromised by Massive Program In late December, 2013 the Department of Defense released a database on the military’s controversial Student Testing Program in 11,700 high ...
TagsWill Hopkins | Texas Coalition to Protect Student Privacy | Oregon Coalition to Protect Student Privacy | Opt Out | Opt Out | New York Coalition to Protect Student Privacy | New Hampshire Coalition to Protect Student Privacy | Nebraska Coalition to Protect Student Privacy | Military Entrance Processing Command | Kevin Haake | Don Chapin | Diane Wood | National Coalition to Protect Student Privacy | ASVAB-CEP | Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery | Pentagon | FERPA | Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act | Connecticut Coalition to Protect Students Privacy | ASVAB Database | USMEPCOM | ASVAB | Seth Kershner | Barbara Harris | asvab test | Pat Elder -
Students Complain to School Mandating Military Recruiters' Test
David Swanson - To: Sandy Husk Salem-Keizer Superintendent of Schools I would like to file a complaint about the manner in which my classmate and I were removed from what we were told was a ...
Forced Military Testing in America's Schools
Pat Elder - The invasion of student privacy associated with military testing in U.S. high schools has been well documented by mainstream media sources, like USA Today and NPR Radio. The practice of ...