Tag: World Can’t Wait
Veterans Push Back Against Military Recruitment in Schools
The branches of the U.S. military have long seen high schools as optimal recruiting grounds. Some veterans are beginning to fight the propaganda and tell students the truth about military service. April 3, 2023 / Ruben Abrahams Brosbe / Yes! Magazine - March 20 marked the 20th anniversary of the United States’ invasion of Iraq. The war took hundreds of thousands of Iraqi lives, with some ...
TagsJoy Damiani | Miles Megaciph | Rick Jahnkow | Susan Cushman | Miles Megaciph | World Can’t Wait | Sarah Gil | Joy Damiani | We Are Not Your Soldiers | JROTC textbooks | Forced Placement into JROTC | The National Network Opposing the Militarization of Youth | Rick Jahnkow | Seth Kershner | Military Recruitment Issues | Impact Of Militarism