Tag: High school counter-recruitment
A Counter-recruitment Victory: Chelsea Uniting Against the War
Bonnie J Caracciolo / Chelsea Uniting Against the War (CUAW) - For fourteen years a dedicated group of anti-war citizens in a working-class suburb of Boston, MA, has worked to inform high school students in their community, including their own children, about the perils of military recruitment. Chelsea Uniting Against the War (CUAW) convenes within the first week of the school year to distribute ...
Thanks for Your Service, but Don't Tell the Kids About It (We Need Them to Enlist)
Emily Yates | Originally published in Truthout - "Excuse me, are you saying negative things about the military?" The question came over my right shoulder, from a well-dressed woman whose nametag ...
Debate: Military recruiting in public schools
Should the military be allowed to recruit in public schools? With the USA and its allies involved in 2 major conflicts in recent years, military recruitment has become an important issue. But some ...
Counter-recruitment revisited: Students against the Draft and War challenges the school administration at Foss high school in Tacoma Washington
Today, 5 May, we ae planning to hold a teach-in against military recruitment in schools. However, under pressure from the JROTC at my school, my principal, Sharon Schauss, informed me yesterday that ...