The US Military’s JROTC Program Is Even Worse Than You Thought
August 23 2022 / Steve Early / Suzanne Gordon / Jacobin - We’ve long known that the US armed forces target poor and working-class students to meet their enlistment goals. But according to a recent ...
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Lawmakers to Investigate Sexual Abuse in Junior R.O.T.C. Programs
The House oversight committee wants the Pentagon to report on sexual misconduct in the high school programs and how it holds instructors accountable. Credit...Mary F. Calvert for The New York Times ...
Sexual Abuse of Teens in the Military’s J.R.O.T.C. Program
Former students say military veterans who led J.R.O.T.C. classes in U.S. high schools fashioned themselves as mentors, then used their power to manipulate and abuse. July 9, 2022 / Mike Baker, ...
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Military Recruiters Don’t Belong in High Schools
Schools have become contested territory. For years, getting police officers out of schools has been a central goal of racial justice campaigns. Recently, they’ve won victories in Denver, ...
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Profiles for People of Color in the U.S. Military 2020-2021
At the end of 2020, the Defense Department’s Diversity and Inclusion Board released a report aimed at identifying ways to improve racial and ethnic diversity in the U.S. military. Among the report’s ...
The NDAA for 2021 expands the programs of the Pentagon in our public schools
Gary Ghirardi / NNOMY/ https://bit.ly/NDAAfor2021 - A not surprising but concerning feature of the 2021 National Defense Authorization Act is the doubling of the Junior Reserve Officers Training ...
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The MAGA Face of JROTC
January 18 2021 / Gary Ghirardi / Op-ed / NNOMY - With the violence witnessed in the beginning of 2021 at the nation's capital, we have been forced to acknowledge the culture war that exists in the ...
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Fabiola Cardozo / NNOMY / English - Existen elementos que hacen posible la popularidad, frecuencia y aumento del alistamiento militar de muchos jóvenes, uno de los más importantes es la influencia ...
Fabiola Cardozo / NNOMY / español - Some elements make the popularity, frequency, and increased rate of the military enlistment of many young people possible. One of the most important is the ...
Dismantling the School-to-Soldier Pipeline
AN INTERVIEW WITH Nancy Cruz, Barbara Harris, Rick Jahnkow, and Seth Kershner | Originally Published in Jacobin Magazine on October 18, 2019 SK The National Defense Act of 1916 created the Reserve ...