Tag: militarization
US Senate Prepares To Expand Selective Service to Women as Well as Men
Edward Hasbrouck / Antiwar.com - After months of delay, Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer announced on Sunday that the Senate is "likely" to vote this week on an annual defense bill which includes a provision – already approved by the House of Representatives in its version of the bill – to extend the President’s authority to order men to register with the Selective Service System for a ...
An Undiscussed Consequence of Expanded Draft Registration
Rick Jahnkow / Committee Opposed to Militarism & the Draft - The most immediate danger of expanding draft registration to women is not, as some people think, an increased likelihood of a draft. The ...
Fabiola Cardozo / NNOMY / español - Some elements make the popularity, frequency, and increased rate of the military enlistment of many young people possible. One of the most important is the ...
Rethinking School Safety in the Age of Empire: Militarization, Mental Health, and State Violence
Laura Jordan Jaffee - Syracuse University In June 2016, Congressional Democrats held a sit-in on the floor of the House of Representatives in an alleged effort to curb gun violence. While the move ...
The militarization of prayer in America: White and Native American spiritual warfare
Elizabeth McAlister - Journal of Religious and Political Practice This essay extends the literature on the militarization of everyday life to argue that contemporary military metaphors and practices ...