Tag: War Resisters League
The History of War Resisters League (USA)
The War Resisters League (WRL) was formed in 1923 by Jessie Wallace Hughan, a leading suffragist, socialist, and pacifist. It is a section of the London-based War Resisters' International. In the immediate aftermath of World War I, Hughan and the WRL's early members summed up their sense of the League’s mission by declaring that if enough people stood in total opposition to war, governments ...
Counter-Recruitment Season
Kevin Young - “Counter-recruitment,” alternatively known as “truth-in-recruiting” or CR for brevity’s sake, involves providing young people and their parents with information about alternatives to ...
TagsUnited For Peace and Justice | truth-in-recruiting | Project on Youth and Non-Military Opportunities | Project Great Futures | National Lawyers Guild | Kevin Young | counter-recruitment work | counter-recruiting movement | Brooklyn For Peace | ACLU | War Resisters League | Truth in Recruiting | No Child Left Behind Act of 2001 | Counter-recruitment activists | Counter-recruitment | Counter Recruitment in High Schools -
Countering the Militarisation of Youth
18 Nov 2011 — warresisters International Study Conference Germany 2012 Darmstadt, 8-10 June 2012 "In Europe, and to some degree on a global level, there are presently two trends which both ...
Portland high schools set to permit anti-war protesters to recruit students alongside the military
23 October 2011- Oregonian Betsy Hammond - The Portland school board is set to adopt a rule Monday to give "counter-recruiters" skeptical about the value of joining the military the same access to ...