Tag: Militarism
The Pentagon is Like the Vatican
John Stanton - Why the Civilian Leadership Fears the Military “Only 17 percent of the all-volunteer force serves for more than 20 years, and they are endowed with a lifetime benefit. The current US ...
School to Prison Pipeline: Military Influence in Schools
Rebecca Perez - This segment in my series of the School to Prison Pipeline is on the influence that the military has on our school systems. During my research I have found that there are actually ...
It All Turns on Affection
Wendell Berry - We are no longer talking about theoretical alternatives to corporate rule. We are talking with practical urgency about an obvious need. Now the two great aims of ...
Militarism and Education from a Feminist Perspective: the Case of Israel
Haggith Gor & Rela Mazali - Both of us have been looking for years at the implications of raising children in a state that requires them by law to enlist in the army at age 18. At first we were ...
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San Diego Students Give Pink Slip to High School Military Program
Rick Jahnkow - Students at Mission Bay High School in San Diego are now celebrating what amounts to a very rare organizing victory: the expulsion of a Junior Reserve Officers Training Corps unit ...
Troops Out, Now What?
Jose Vasquez - March 19th marked the sad anniversary of the U.S. invasion of Iraq. Nine tumultuous years after "shock and awe," the people of Iraq struggle to rebuild their society while dealing ...
Wargasm: Militaristic imagery in popular culture
Simon Reynolds - Art ‘Weapons are tools not just of destruction but also of perception - that is to say, stimulants that make themselves felt through chemical, neurological processes in the sense ...
War on Terror - Big Brother on campus
Michael Gould-Wartofsky - From breaking up Occupy protests to spying on Muslim students, homeland security is targeting college kids Campus spies. Pepper spray. SWAT teams. Twitter trackers. ...
Endless War - Marines prepare for enlistment challenge
James Dao - Ad Campaign for Marines Cites Chaos as a Job Perk The war in Iraq is over, the troop reduction in Afghanistan is under way and America’s next war front is far from clear. If you are a ...
Saying No to Militarism
Robert Koehler - No mail on Saturday, maybe, but small-town police get armored personnel carriers? Let's take a moment -- in the context of these bitter times, and President Obama's recent austerity ...