Tag: Selective Service System
An Undiscussed Consequence of Expanded Draft Registration
Rick Jahnkow / Committee Opposed to Militarism & the Draft - The most immediate danger of expanding draft registration to women is not, as some people think, an increased likelihood of a draft. The chance of that happening anytime in the near future continues to be remote. It wasn’t even on the table for serious government consideration after 9/11, or during the multiple U.S. troop deployments ...
House and Senate Armed Services Committees vote to make women register for the draft
Edward Hasbrouck / Antiwar - On September 1st, 2021, the House Armed Services Committee joined the Senate Armed Services Committee in voting 35-24 to expand registration for a possible military ...
House Hearing on Selective Service
May 19, 2021 / Edward Hasbrouck / Antiwar.com - A House Armed Service Committee (HASC) hearing on May 19th heard from witnesses on only one side of the debate over whether to end draft registration ...
Supreme Court asked to review Constitutionality of current male-only draft registration requirement
Edward Hasbrouck / Resisters.info - On January 8, 2021 the National Coalition For Men, a men’s rights organization represented by the American Civil Liberties Union, petitioned the U.S. Supreme ...
House votes down proposal to defund the Selective Service System
Edward Hasbrouck | Originally published in The Practical Nomad July 7th, 2016 This week, during consideration of the annual funding bill for the Selective Service System and miscellaneous other ...
Urge Congress to support H.R. 4523
Edward Hasbrouck - This year, Congress is having its most serious debate about draft registration in decades -- but so far, the debate has ignored the peace movement and the history of the draft, ...
ALERT: Proposal to Make Draft Registration Mandatory for a Driver’s License Moves through the California Legislature
Proposal to Make Draft Registration Mandatory for a Driver’s License Moves through the California Legislature LETTERS TO SENATE TRANSPORTATION COMMITTEE NEEDED IMMEDIATELY! California’s large ...