Tag: Counter Recruitment in High Schools
Counter-recruitment revisited: Students against the Draft and War challenges the school administration at Foss high school in Tacoma Washington
Today, 5 May, we ae planning to hold a teach-in against military recruitment in schools. However, under pressure from the JROTC at my school, my principal, Sharon Schauss, informed me yesterday that ...
Militarism in Education
Andreas Speck - “On 1 August 1914, it was too late for pacifist propaganda, it was too late for militarist propaganda – in fact the militarists then only harvested what they have sown 200 years ...
Chico Peace & Justice Center’s Counter Recruitment 2012
Charles Withuhn - Thursday, February 02, 2012 - Counter-recruiters at Fair View High School, Chico, California Under the banner “Chico Youth Action”, Chico Peace & Justice Center’s counter ...
Portland high schools set to permit anti-war protesters to recruit students alongside the military
23 October 2011- Oregonian Betsy Hammond - The Portland school board is set to adopt a rule Monday to give "counter-recruiters" skeptical about the value of joining the military the same access to ...