Tag: Homeland Security
The militarization of American public schools
Steve Filips and Don Barrett - Syracuse, New York’s Fowler High School to be “reformed” This fall, Syracuse, New York will join the still small but growing list of public schools dedicated to the training of students for military service in the United States Armed Forces. This past April, the Syracuse Central School District (SCSD) approved the closure of Fowler High School in the city’s ...
Violence, USA
The Warfare State and the Hardening of Everyday Life Henry A. Giroux - Since 9/11, the war on terror and the campaign for homeland security have increasingly mimicked the tactics of the enemies they ...
The Pentagon is Like the Vatican
John Stanton - Why the Civilian Leadership Fears the Military “Only 17 percent of the all-volunteer force serves for more than 20 years, and they are endowed with a lifetime benefit. The current US ...
Violence, USA: The Warfare State and the Brutalizing of Everyday Life
Henry A. Giroux - Since 9/11, the war on terror and the campaign for homeland security have increasingly mimicked the tactics of the enemies they sought to crush. Violence and punishment as both a ...
War on Terror - Big Brother on campus
Michael Gould-Wartofsky - From breaking up Occupy protests to spying on Muslim students, homeland security is targeting college kids Campus spies. Pepper spray. SWAT teams. Twitter trackers. ...
Drones in Texas and Tanks in Tampa: Inside the Out-Of-Control Weaponized Homeland Security State
Stephan Salisbury - Government budgets at every level now include allocations aimed at fighting an ephemeral “War on Terror” in the United States. At the height of the Occupy Wall Street evictions, ...
Saying No to Militarism
Robert Koehler - No mail on Saturday, maybe, but small-town police get armored personnel carriers? Let's take a moment -- in the context of these bitter times, and President Obama's recent austerity ...