Dear Friends of Truth in Recruitment,Thank you everyone who attended Truth in Recruitment's (TIR) Summit on Youth and the Military on October 12! It was a big success, and your participation means a lot to us. We hope that you gained more understanding of the Selective Service System, military recruitment in local schools, as well as the issues of deported veterans, and that you found the discussion helpful and informative.
At a Santa Maria High School career fair this October, students reported that all branches of the military were represented but only community college Allan Hancock had a table. No four-year universities or colleges were present. With this in mind, please save the date to give public comment at the next Santa Maria Joint Union High School District school board meeting on Tuesday, November 12, 6:30-8pm. Through our organizing, we will advocate for a balance of information on students’ post-secondary options, and for the SMJUHSD to be more receptive to the community needs.
A special thanks to our volunteers, sponsors, speakers, and resource tablers! Included in this group are the TIR Steering Committee, Future Leaders of America, House of Pride and Equality, Importa, California Rural Legal Assistance, Lideres Campesinas, Fund for Santa Barbara, McCune Foundation, Central Coast Alliance for a Sustainable Economy, Santa Barbara County Action Network, Veterans for Peace Santa Barbara, Santa Maria High School students and teachers, Just Communities, Santa Maria Public Library, Robert Vivar and other members of the Unified U.S. Deported Veterans Support House, Edward Hasbrouck of, Monisha Rios, U.S. army veteran and TIR activist, Pat Alviso of Military Families Speak Yours in peace,
Kate Connell
P.S. Your support helps Truth in Recruitment provide balanced information on the military to students, families and entire communities in Santa Maria. On behalf of our organization and all those who benefit, thank you so much for your support!
Truth in Recruitment (TIR) is a project of the Santa Barbara Friends (Quaker) Meeting, a 501(c)3 nonprofit. Our goal is to educate students, families, and school districts about alternatives to military careers, inform families of their children's privacy rights, and advocate for policies regulating recruiter presence on campuses.
Click DONATE to make a donation today!
Zander, Pioneer Valley High School alumnus, and TIR student interns; Alicia, emcee, and Jenny, panelist.